Modified BunkerTrap

Bunker Trap is the version of trapshooting that is an Olympic event.  It is EXTREMELY difficult to shoot and unfortunately is expensive to build, costing as much as $150,000 per field.

An official bunker trap incorporates 15 trap machines in a 20-meter bunker.  The machines are set to throw a variety of angles and heights.
Therefore, very few bunker trap fields exist in the United States.  The more common type of trap is American Trap.

So, what is a Modified Bunker Trap?

Our Modified Bunker simulates Bunker Trap.  We have used a specially designed single machine that osculates back and forth as well as up and down to provide the same speed, angles and height variations that you find in an official Bunker Trap.

There are NO Bunker Trap fields in the state of Indiana and this is the ONLY Modified Bunker Trap!!

A Quick Comparison:

American Trap Modified Bunker Bunker Trap
Target Speed 42 MPH 60-65 MPH 60-65 MPH
Target Distance 49-51 Yards 76 Meters (83 Yards) 76 Meters (83 Yards)
Total Horizontal Angle 45 Degrees 90 Degrees 90 Degrees
Vertical Variation None Significant Significant
Throwing Machines 1 Horizontal Osculating 1 Wobble Trap 15 Fixed Traps
Maximum Shell Load 1 1/8 oz. 24 grams (7/8 oz.) 25 grams (7/8 oz.)
Shots Per Target One Two Two

A collaborative effort between the Midway USA Foundation’s Range Development Grant Program, KOSKO, and the Grace College Shooting Sports Club has made this new offering possible.  Our Modified Bunker is open to the public during KOSKO’s normal hours.